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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Facebook is full of scammers, bots, attention whores, and impostors

In November of 2024, I decided to add every friend suggested and went from about 300 to 5,000 in a few days. I was quickly bombarded with messages that all asked the same questions: where I live, what I do for a living, etc. So the novelty wore off fast and last week I decided it was time to cut ties with the many disingenuous people I'd befriended online. 

Sex scammers are by far the most common. After that comes money, weight loss, and religion. Not much of a surprise there. I'm tempted to estimate that somewhere around 90% of Facebook profiles are fraudulent in one way or another. If there's a sucker logging into Facebook every minute, there are at least 10 to take him it seems.

I suppose in retrospect this should not be surprising on a platform that has basically no barriers to entry. 

The main lessons I see are: it is easy to accumulate Facebook friends and it is also easy to get random women to send you naked or almost naked pictures and videos of themselves.

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