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Sunday, January 7, 2024

A Defense Strategy for Ukraine

I have read many analyses from Rebekah Koffler, the best military analyst the US has ever hired. Here is a snippet from her website.

Rebekah’s conservative, pro-America views were formed as a result of her experience growing up under the totalitarian socialist regime of the Soviet Union. Rebekah strongly believes that capitalism, however imperfect, is superior to the soul-crushing, oppressive, poverty-inducing socialist system of state control.

Amen to that. 

Her prognosis for the war in Ukraine is gloomy. She wrote that:

Contrary to President Biden’s and the Washington establishment’s expectations, and tragically for Ukrainians, Kyiv's victory remains mathematically impossible. Here’s the basis for my analysis.

Russia holds an overwhelming military and economic advantage over its former Soviet satellite. Since the very start of the war, Russia has held an overwhelming military and economic advantage over its former Soviet satellite. Despite the valor of its citizens and episodic tactical successes – such as a missile strike on Tuesday that damaged a Russian warship in the occupied Crimean port of Feodosia – strategically, Ukraine is in a deadlock with Russia, fighting a losing battle of attrition.

There’s a reason why the Pentagon considers Russia a "near peer competitor." The war in Ukraine, has not changed this view, according to Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall. Kendall acknowledged last year that, although the Russian military has experienced logistics and command and control problems in Ukraine, his service’s plans for countering Russia remain unchanged, still calling for modernization of the U.S. combat arsenal.

If the people of Ukraine wish to remain independent, they must do the following:

1. Cease offensive maneuvers

2. Construct defensive lines of mines, trenches, etc.

3. Let the Russian invaders pour out onto their lines of defense

4. Use a Fabian strategy to slowly bleed out the Russian forces of their strength

5. Improve civil defense so that civilians no longer fear Russian bombardments

6. Do not attempt any offensive maneuvers until the Russians have stopped attacking

Russia's military is not invincible. It can be ground to a halt. But that grinding process must be slow and methodical. The Ukrainians must grind down the average age of Russian invaders from 30 to 50. Only then is there any hope of national survival. 

God bless Ukraine and its heroic soldiers; Ukraine is not yet lost.

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