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Monday, April 22, 2024

History of Warfare (Billy Joel version)

Ancient Egypt, Bronze Age
Chariots are all the rage
Assyrians fight at a Kadesh
Middle East is still a mess

Trojan War and Jericho
China starts on Huang Ho
First great king is Sargon
Akkad becomes Babylon

We didn't start the warfare! 
There was always blood spilling in the mud!
We didn't start the warfare!
We learned of war from those before 

Greece and Persia, city states
Hoplites and phalanx
Alexander's called the Great
Roman Empire has to wait

Punic War with Carthage
Hannibal has the edge
Cannae battle was his peak
Ends up working for a Greek

We didn't start the warfare! 
There was always blood spilling in the mud!
We didn't start the warfare!
We learned of war from those before  

Rome's empire expanding fast
Julius Caesar didn't last
Legions lose at Teuteburg
Barbarians about to go berserk

Huns on horseback, Attila
Rampaging like Godzilla
Goths and Vandals get their turn
Barbarians start to learn

We didn't start the warfare! 
There was always blood spilling in the mud!
We didn't start the warfare!
We learned of war from those before 

Feudalism, Caliphate
Chain mail, armor plate
Viking raids and Byzantines
Catapults come on the scene

Genghis Khan and Mongol hordes
Crossbows, katana swords
Turtle ships and samurai
Trebuchets make big stones fly

We didn't start the warfare! 
There was always blood spilling in the mud!
We didn't start the warfare!
We learned of war from those before 

Cannons, muskets, gunpowder
Ottomans start to conquer
Vienna battle sets them back
Britain flies the Union Jack

Napoleon and his crew
Meet their match at Waterloo
Steam engine, telegraph 
Gatling gun can shoot real fast

We didn't start the warfare! 
There was always blood spilling in the mud!
We didn't start the warfare!
We learned of war from those before 

World war and poison gas
Cavalry's time has passed
Aeroplane and motorcar
Allow troops to travel far

Tanks, blitzkrieg, submarine
Maneuver warfare is mighty keen
Long range missile, atom bomb
Propaganda for our moms

We didn't start the warfare! 
There was always blood spilling in the mud!
We didn't start the warfare!
We learned of war from those before 

Code breaking computers
Bombs guided by lasers
Can't hide from satellites
Infrared goggles let you see at night

Psyops and false flags 
Airports x-ray your bags
Terrorism on the rise
Internet is full of lies

We didn't start the warfare! 
There was always blood spilling in the mud!
We didn't start the warfare!
We learned of war from those before 

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