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Sunday, December 31, 2023

The CIA Lied About Hunter Biden's Laptop Being Russian Disinformation

15 days before the 2020 election, 51 intelligence officials signed a letter stating that a story about content found on Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation. 43 of those who signed the letter are or were CIA employees. All of them should be fired, lose their security clearances, and be banned from future government employment. 

I worked for NSA, and even as a low-level analyst, I had access to enough classified information to know that they were lying. NSA and CIA often know about Russian disinformation operations while they are still being planned. The idea that they would fail to detect an operation against a US presidential candidate is preposterous. 

If certain US media outlets had any sense of probity, they would do their own investigations instead of believing whatever spy agency employees tell them. Hint: they are all trained to lie and conceal the truth. It's fine to do that to protect classified information, but not to tilt an election.   

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