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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Raw Story? More like Raw-ng Story

Raw Story is insufferable hive of lefty agitprop. After seeing them get busted while trying to bust a story, I decided to dig around to see what other outrageous lies they've peddled recently. 

5 minutes later, I found this: Paul Ryan cites ‘white nationalist’ to blame poverty on lazy men in ‘inner cities’

And who is this so-called white nationalist? It turns out to be Charles Murray. I looked him up on wikipedia and found that Charles Murray was in the Peace Corps and married a Thai woman.

Folks, does that sound like a white nationalist to you?

It did not take me very long to find any of this, so that should give you an idea about how thoroughly Raw-ng Story writers research. 

Here is the email I sent to David Edwards, the writer of the article:

Subject: Dear incompetent liar

I get the strong impression that your recent article is not the first time you've lied in print. Pray tell, what was the name of the sex shop employee you spoke with? It sure is interesting how you left that out of the article. 

As a read through your archive, I see you lied again in the Paul Ryan article. Charles Murray is not and has never been a white nationalist. He served in the Peace Corps in Thailand and married a Thai woman. Does that sound like a white nationalist to you, shithead? It took me about 10 seconds to find this information, which gives me a good idea about how thoroughly you research your articles. 

Please continue writing. You are doing a great service for the libertarian cause.

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