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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Former NSA Employee Analyzes the Shadow Gate Documentary from Millie Weaver and InfoWars

The full documentary is available here and worth watching:

Overall, I did not find any factual errors in the film, and I agree with its conclusions. 

Below are some screenshots from the aforementioned film and my comments on them.

In the days of yore, psychological operations (PSYOPS) consisted mainly of dropping leaflets on and broadcasting audio messages at the target audience. Nowadays, hearts and minds are won on the internet.

A close-up view of an internet psyops tool developed and used by the US military. It is possible for one operator to create and control numerous personas (sock puppets) who appear as real to other users.  

An enlarged view of the same tool- It reminds me of some of the software I used at NSA for military intelligence.

It's meant to protect US citizens and residents, yet there are numerous loopholes. Effectively, it is a token gesture meant to pacify civil libertarians and privacy advocates.

Similar software, like GoGuardian for public school teachers and administrators, exists for the same purpose.


In the film, iPSY is introduced as an online espionage and psychological warfare service. Its name is a nod to the Apple i-series products.

The thing speaks for itself.

See above.

So yeah, when Manafort failed McCain, the latter sought revenge.

In reality, he merely shifted one of his lapdogs to a new role.

Behold. He failed upward.

Not surprised. Also, what an idiotic name.

 Hurricane Electric is a global Internet service provider offering Internet transit, tools, and network applications,[1] as well as data center colocation and hosting services at two locations in Fremont, California,[2] where the company is based.

It's incredible that some US intel databases are located overseas.

Hard to believe that so few noticed that both the DNC and RNC were supposedly hacked at almost the same time by Russia.

Brittany is on the right.

Yes, that Cambridge Analytica. The one that got in trouble for helping Trump's 2016 campaign.

People interested in more evidence of Maddow's stupidity ought to watch the following:

An offer PSY Group made to both the Trump and Clinton campaigns to tilt the election with illegally gathered intel

And they got caught red-handed even according to the lamestream media.

So shines a good deed in a weary world. A related video is below. Aroun the 2:25 mark, a CIA contractor admits to engaging in entrapment. That is, provoking people into illegal actions.

I admit to donating money to reason in 2012. I'm not making that mistake again. I do enjoy their Remy and Great Moments in Unintended Consequences videos.

Amusing. The average middle school basketball game has a larger audience.

Yeah, he mysteriously was murdered around the same time as Seth Rich. Shawn Lucas served the DNC with a lawsuit alleging fraud in the 2016 DNC primary.

Seth Rich was murdered on July 10, 2016. Shawn Lucas met the same fate on August 2, 2016. Connect the dots, people.

So yeah, he hired his son to lead the espionage and psychological warfare corporation (Dynology) mentioned way up at the top of this post.

Not the most attractive? That's the understatement of the century.

It's not science fiction anymore.

This diagram reminded me of what KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov said about psychological warfare. According to him, the 4 stages are demoralization (takes 15 to 20 years), destabilization (1 to 2 years), crisis (less than a year), and normalization (indefinite). The so-called useful idiots who are provoked into being the foot soldiers of the revolution are the first to be eliminated by the new government.

Knowledge is power, and the truth will set you free. Don't get mad or scared. Get ready and stay frosty. 

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