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Tuesday, November 14, 2023

A New Way to Approximate Pi

 Archimedes was able to bracket the value of pi by constructing 96-sided polygons inside and outside a triangle. Since the diameter of the circle and the perimeters of the polygons were known, he was able to conclude that pi must be between 


In the 3rd century BCE, Archimedes proved the sharp inequalities 223⁄71 < π < 22⁄7, by means of regular 96-gons (accuracies of 2·10−4 and 4·10−4, respectively).


My method of approximating pi assumes that a circle is a polygon with an infinite number of sides. In that case, pi is equal to n*cos(a/2), where n is the number of sides of a regular polygon and a is the measure of one of its interior angles as given by the formula (n -2)*180/n. 

For n = 100,000, we get:

100,000*cos((100,000-2)*180/(100,000*2)) = 3.14159265

Those are indeed the first 9 digits of pi. My method probably has some computational advantages over other ways, though since pi has been calculated to many digits already, it's not particularly important.

For n = 1,000,000, I get pi = 3.1415926356

For n = 10,000,000, I get pi = 3.1415926533

The first 11 digits of pi are 3.1415926535.

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