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Monday, January 15, 2024

Fox News Smears Kurt Vonnegut, a WW2 Combat Veteran and Great American Author

I read Fox News most days because at least it provides a different perspective on things. And because NPR annoys me, though I read that anyway. 

An amusing quote: 

"Vonnegut thought Nixon was not evil, just mean, and that Ronald Reagan was old-fashioned, ignorant, provincial, and dangerous."

Well, hell. That's nicer than what a lot of other people at the time said about Nixon and Reagan.

"Despondent leftism"? 

Eh, I'd call it more disappointed idealism. It doesn't take a lot to turn an idealist into a cynic. 

Oh, Fox News. You live up to the worst stereotypes of your critics daily. Pick an enemy and bash them all you want. It won't change the fact that the US is $34 trillion in debt and hasn't won a war since 1945.

By the way, since you like licking the boots of soldiers so much, perhaps you should ask some of them what they think about our forever wars since 2001. I'm one of them. 

Whatever. All you cretins know how to do is sell medicine to old people and scare them about anything they didn't know about the world, which is a lot. 

This post was sponsored by Old Glory Robot Insurance.

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