As Dubya is on his way out and mud begins flying at him from all directions, I thought I might reflect on the handful of decent ideas he had.
1) Guest Worker Program
This is the only sensible solution to illegal immigration; that is to legalize it. They're going to keep coming anyway. Building a wall will not do anything.
2) Moon Base
I think we can all agree this would be pretty cool. The Chinese put a man in space? That's nice. We should send them an invitation to our swimming pool . . . . . . . ON THE MOON!
3) Great wacky quotes
OK, not so great of a president, but you have to admit he made you laugh. It is a rare occassion in history when a whole industry springs up to mock one person.
"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully."
-George W. Bush
And my own analysis of his biggest blunders:
1) Tax cuts & spending increases

2) Picking Michael Brown to head FEMA
3) Missile Defense
$100 billion since Reagan and it still doesn't work? Christ, we could have built a Moon Base with that. Or at least a functional lightsaber.
5) Iraq War.
Good job getting rid of Saddam. Too bad all those people are dead.
I sorta feel sorry for this guy.
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