Since the incredibly learned and courageous Christian apologist David Wood appears to have blocked me, I hereby reproduce the following exchanges for posterity:

David says: "I obey God because God is my Creator and Sustainer, and we have a moral obligation to honor such a being."
And how do you know that? The only life-sustaining being I see is the sun. Should I start worshiping the sun? At least I can SEE the sun.
And how do you know that? The only life-sustaining being I see is the sun. Should I start worshiping the sun? At least I can SEE the sun.

This is already getting old, Thomas. I'm guessing you're a disgruntled fifteen year old who's been raised on a steady diet of Richard Dawkins videos. You asked if I'm a Christian because of a promise of the afterlife. I answered that I would be a Christian even if there were no afterlife, because I have a moral obligation to honor my Creator. And you change the subject to "How do you know?" As I've already said, Jesus rose from the dead, so I believe what he says about God. The sun didn't create you, and it only sustains you as an intermediate cause. (The sun is itself dependent on God.) You then suggest that you only believe in what you see. I guess you don't believe in logical laws, since you can't see them (or laws of nature, for that matter). This explains a lot of your silly comments. If you're going to keep going with the silly questions and insults, do it somewhere else. There are people who are interested in having meaningful conversations. I understand that you don't have much concern for them, since you don't believe in objective moral values. But do it somewhere else anyway.
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+Acts17Apologetics You know nothing about me. I'm 29, I'm an engineer and I have a degree in chemical engineering. I was raised a Mormon and made a slow slide into unbelief over several years after much study of religion and philosophy.
I acknowledge your point about still believing even if there was no promise of heaven. Will you acknowledge how rare that view is among Christians? Every gospel tract I've ever seen includes threats of hell. You say the sun is dependent on god. Really? I don't remember learning about that in astronomy class.
No, I cannot see laws of logic or nature, but there is still proof for them which I can see. I know they are true because they allow me to make accurate predictions about the world.
If you really believe Christianity is the one true religion, how do you explain the relative lack of Christians? When something is objectively true, people all over the world converge on the same answer. Doctors in Japan study the same anatomy as ones in Algeria. Consensus is not proof, but it gets hard to ignore after a while.
I acknowledge your point about still believing even if there was no promise of heaven. Will you acknowledge how rare that view is among Christians? Every gospel tract I've ever seen includes threats of hell. You say the sun is dependent on god. Really? I don't remember learning about that in astronomy class.
No, I cannot see laws of logic or nature, but there is still proof for them which I can see. I know they are true because they allow me to make accurate predictions about the world.
If you really believe Christianity is the one true religion, how do you explain the relative lack of Christians? When something is objectively true, people all over the world converge on the same answer. Doctors in Japan study the same anatomy as ones in Algeria. Consensus is not proof, but it gets hard to ignore after a while.
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