Friday, July 30, 2010

Inglish Speling Kan And Shood Bee Simpler

Dhis sentens looks strainj wen yue ferst start reeding it, but yue suen see dhat it is not harder tue reed dhan Inglish riten in dhu trudishinul wai. Dhis speling sistem shairs menee similairitees with udher prupoazd sistems. Dhu trikee part with updaiting Inglish speling kums frum dhu vowls. Ie hav choazen dhu vowls ukoarding tue dhu wai dhai ar yuezd in dhu moast komun shoart werds.

Mie vowl sistem, with ekzampuls in parenthesees:

a (hat) ai (rain) ar (bar) aw (law)
e (get) ee (meet) eer (beer) er (fern)
i (in) ie (pie) ier ("fire" wood bee speld "fier")
o (dog) oa (boat) oar (oar) oo (look) oi (oil) ow (how)
u (but) ue (glue)

Ie kunsiderd yuezing "y" tue reprezent dhu long "i" sownd, but Ie thot it best tue yuez "y" as u konsununt oanlee. Unudher difikultee wuz trieing tue desied wich leter tue yuez tue reprezent dhu inishul vowl in werds liek "about" (ubowt) and "attack" (utak).

Mie sistem kuntains noa sielent leters, u refoarm wich wood graitlee simplifie speling eeven if udopted uloan. Ie also eliminaited dhu redundunt leters q and x. Dhu tue novel konsununts ar dhu "zh" diegraf wich Ie yuez foar werds liek "pleasure" (plezher) and "treasure" (trezher) and dhu "dh" diegraf wich Ie and menee udhers yuez tue signifie dhu inishul konsununt in werds liek "the" (dhu) and "them" (dhem). Ie thot ubowt yuezing q tue reprezent dhis sownd, but figyerd dhis wood kawz tue much kunfyuezhin. Ie tried hard tue uvoid distoarting dhu werds tue much with mie nue spelings.

It's intresting tue noat dhat dhu konsept uv standerd speling iz u fairlee reesent wun. U thowsund yeers ugoa, Inglish speling wuz straitfoarwerd, but after sencherees uv ubzoarbing werds frum French, Latin, Greek ulong with dhair respektiv speling kunvenchins, dhu speling grajuelee bekaim moar kaiotic. Peepul speld woards however dhai wonted and spelings differed frum plais tue plais ukoarding tue reejinul proanunseeaishins. Speling wuz larjlee standerdiezd bie printers begining arownd 1500. In moast kaises, dhu printers simplee choas dhu moast komun speling tue bee dhu ufishul wun. Dhis iz dhu reezun wie in Inglish difrent leters ar often yuezd tue reprezent dhu saim sownd and difrent sownds ar reprezented with dhu saim leters.

Defenders uv trudishinul speling ofen argyue dhat trudishunul spelings ar moar byuetiful, giv klues tue dhu werd's oarijin and meening, and dhat lerning tue spel iz u good mentul eksersiez foar children. Just ubowt evree argyuement in faiver uv trudishinul speling fits intue wun uv dhoaz three kategoarees. Ie fiend ol dheez argyuements tue bee radher week.

Inglish speling haz chainjed graitlee oaver dhu sencherees. At wut point did it ukwier just dhu riet number uv superflueus leters? Woodint it bee much simpler tue just spel dhu werds dhu wai dhai ar prunownsd? If poaets and rieters wish tue kuntinyue tue yuez dhu trudishunul spelings, dhai ar moar dhan welkum tue due soa, but dhu rest awt tue bee aibul tue yuez an eezeeer wai.
Ie kant help but menchin dhat menee rieters inklueding Shaw, Twain, and Wells advukaited speling refoarm az wel leksikogrufers such az Samuel Johnson and Noah Webster.

Az foar dhu sekund argyuement, oanlee lingwists and udher langgwij prufeshinuls kair ubowt dhu oarijins uv werds. How menee Inglish speekers ar uwair dhat "goodbye" iz u kerupshin uv "God be with ye"? Akchuelee, in menee kaises, dhu "kerekt" speling distoarts dhu ruet werd eeven moar. If "dungeon" wuz speld "dunjin" wood it bee eezeeyer oar harder tue tel dhat it iz derievd frum dhu French werd "donjon"?

Dhu therd argyuement iz dhu weekest uv ol. Given dhu enoarmus difikultees menee children hav in lerning tue reed and dhu problem uv udult iliterusee, how kood eneewun bee upoazd tue refoarm? Kan yue imajin how menee thowsunds uv peepul hav given up on reeding owt uv frustraishin ower ridikyuelus speling sistem? Peepul hue ar trieing tue lern Inglish az u foaren langgwij ar eeven woars of az dhai must kuntend with its bizar speling ulong with ol dhu udher difikultees uv lerning u nue langgwij.

Sum reeders miet think dhat refoarm wood bee reseevd beter if dun in peesmeel. Ie sai yue kant kros u kazum in tue leeps and dhat its beter tue refoarm it ol at wuns and bee dun with it.